Annual Sponsorship Levels

Premium: $5,000 (or more*) includes full participation. Includes being a location for the games, featured on website(s), joining a steering committee, part of the passport tour, all promotional materials, an archive (within the bar archives) named for your establishment, and all 'Top Shelf' benefits.

Top Shelf: $2,500 includes fielding a competitive team, promotion, adding items to the archives, and all 'House' benefits.

House: $1,000 includes listing on website (with logo), information on all events and activities.

*Extra benefits for annual contributions of $10,000 or more.

All contributions go to the 'Raising the Bars' effort, with a percentage going to operations and upkeep to sustain the program and Stonewall’s oversight.

Whether you own an LGBTQ+ bar or safe haven, operate a business related to the gay entertainment scene, or simply appreciate the history of queer spaces, we welcome you to consider supporting our efforts to preserve this important part of our heritage.